Installation and Usage

For package description see README.rst file

Installation (System wide - for all users):


In case of using Python 3 on linux system replace pip with pip3 and python with python3 in below commands.


This program requires following 3-rd party packages: PyYAML, lxml. They must be installed in order to run Datconv. In addition JSON readers require ijson package to be installed.

PyYAML and ijson can be installed from Python Package Index:
Linux: sudo pip install PyYAML ijson
Windows: pip install PyYAML ijson
lxml is little bit more involved as it is extension package and installation from pip may fail. This package should be installed from system specific installer.
Linux (Debian based): sudo apt-get install python-lxml or sudo apt-get install python3-lxml
Windows: Download from PyPI appropriate lxml binary windows installer and install from it.

Installation Method 1

Recommended method for installation of this package is from Python Package Index:
Linux: sudo pip install datconv
Windows: pip install datconv

Installation Method 2

If you want to install particular version, download source-ball and issue:
Linux: sudo pip install datconv-<ver>.tar.gz
Windows: pip install datconv-<ver>.tar.gz

Installation Method 3

Alternatively unpack source-ball and from unpacked folder run command:
Linux: sudo python install
Windows: python install


More installation options are possible - see documentation of Python distutils package.

Installation from Source

If you have downloaded archive snapshot, first unpack it and from root folder run command: python sdist which will create dist subfolder and create source-ball in it. Then apply method 2 or 3 above.

Files deployed by installation script

  • Main command line utility:
    Linux: <BINDATA>/datconv, where <BINDATA> is by default /usr/local/bin
    Windows: <BINDATA>\Scripts\, where <BINDATA> is by default C:\Program Files\PythonXX where XX is Python version
  • datconv package and its sub-packages
  • Documentation:
    Linux: <PREFIX>/share/doc/datconv/*, where <PREFIX> is by default /usr/local
    Windows: <PREFIX>\doc\datconv\*, where <PREFIX> is by default C:\Program Files\PythonXX

Re-Installation / Upgrade

To upgrade packages from PyPi use -U option: [sudo] pip install -U PyYAML datconv.
Other installation methods specified above remain valid when upgrading package.


if you upgrade from previous pandata/datconv version check Upgrade.rst file deployed in documentation folder.


Please refer to on-line or deployed documentation and Pydoc accesible information contained in this package. Consider also installing datconv_tests package which contain test scripts for this package. It can also be used as source of samples of how this package may be used.

Official on-line documentation

Official program documentation is avaialble here.

Additional configuration for Pydoc

There are some pydoc descriptions in several script files that are installed into folders not in python module search path, therefore standard pydoc browser would not get those descriptions. It is however possible to hack that: Linux: edit /usr/bin/pydoc file:

  • at begin add: import sys
  • before pydoc.gui() call, add sys.path.append('/usr/local/bin')
  • create symlink:
    sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/datconv /usr/local/bin/

Windows: edit C:\Program Files\PythonXX\Tools\Scripts\pydocgui.pyw file:

  • at begin add: import sys
  • before pydoc.gui() call, add sys.path.append('C:\\Program Files\\PythonXX\\Scripts')

Obtaining Pydoc information

Perform above ‘hacks’, and run conmand:
Linux (Python2): pydoc -g
Linux (Python3): pydoc3 -b
Windows: Start Menu/Python/Module Docs
and then press ‘Open Browser’ or manually navigate to given URL.


This URL does not work with Windows IE browser.

Then go to below sections (near bottom of page):
Linux: /usr/local/lib/pythonX.X/dist-packages/, /usr/local/bin
Windows: C:\Program Files\PythonXX\Lib\site-packages, C:\Program Files\PythonXX\Scripts and go into datconv(package) or datconv-run link.