The Datconv API reference

datconv program

The datconv script has following call syntax:

datconv [=]conf_file [--key1:val [--key2:val ...]] [arg1 [arg2 ...]]
conf_file - path to file in YAML format in which Reader, Filter and Writer compoments are configured.
            See below listing for more detailed desctiption of this file.
            If there is '=' before conf_file then default configuration file is not used.
            If conf_file is equal to 'def' than only default configuration file is used.
--key1:val - any number of arguments that add new settings or overwrite settings from conf_file.
            It works this way: let say that in conf_file we have:
                Module: datconv.writers.dcxml
                    pretty:   true
            by invoking option --Writer:CArg:pretty:false we overwrite 'pretty' option of Writer.
            Note that in YAML file we must have space after : at end of the key, while in command line there are no spaces.
arg1 - any number of arguments (that do not begin with --).
    Those arguments will replace $1, $2, ... markers in conf_file according to their position in command line:
    i.e. $1 will be replaced by first argument that do not begin with --, etc.
datconv --default[-raw]
which prints path to and contents of default configuration file;
if post-fix -raw is used configuration file is printed as it is (without parsing).

datconv --version
which prints version number to standard output and exit.

datconv --help
which prints short usage information

The datconv script returns to shell:
    0 on sucess
    1 on general error (exception)
    2 on invalid command parameters
    3 on user break (Ctrl-C)

Sample main YAML configuration file layout:

# Major configuration file for datconv script.
# It must follow YAML syntax and has at least 2 obligatory top level keys: Reader, Writer.
# Note that speficied modules must be loadable from datconv script, i.e.
#   packages must be placed directly in folder from which datconv script is run (its current folder)
#   or datconv must be wrapped in script that define PYTHONPATH environmental variable which point to packages root folder
#   or packages root folder must be added to Python configuration as folder with packages
#   every package to be loadable must have (even empty) file named
# The keys listed below are samle keys, for full list of available options see conf_template.yaml files
# contained in readers, writers and filters folders.

# Obligatory key that specify Reader module
    # Obligatory key that specify Python module which implements Reader
    # Module must define class DCReader, which must follow interface specification described in readers/
    Module: datconv.readers.dcxml
    # Optional or not (depends on configured reader) key that specify DCReader class constructor parameters
        # Here follows DCReader class constructor parameters
        # Concrete keys depands on choosen Reader.
        # See particular readers' documentation.
        # Note that if default values are good than they mey be omitted.
        # However it is not allowed to have any extra keys not specified in reader documentation
        # If you want to preserve some keys for future use - outcomemnt them
        encoding:  utf-8
        # ...

    # Usually obligatory key that specify parameters for DCReader.Process method
        # Here follows DCReader.Process parameters
        # Concrete keys depands on choosen Reader.
        # See particular readers documentation.
        inpath:  ../GET-Data/cdc_5019/AddnDrawNbrs_c5019_s38.xml
        # optional - if not defined OutConnector is used
        #outpath: out/AddnDrawNbrs_c5019_s38.xml
        # ...

# Obligatory key that specify Writer module
    # Obligatory key that specify Python module which implements Writer
    # Module must define class DCWriter, which must follow interface specification described in writers/
    Module: datconv.writers.dcxml
    # Optional or not (depends on configured writer) key that specify DCWriter class constructor parameters
        # Here follows DCWriter class constructor parameters
        # Concrete keys depands on choosen Writer.
        # See particular writers' documentation.
        encoding: utf-8

# Optional key that specify Filter module
# If it is missing or null no filter is used
# default: null
    # If Filter is defined, this key is obligatory and specify Python module which implements Filter
    # Module must define class DCFilter, which must follow interface specification described in filters/
    Module: datconv.filters.stat
    # Optional or not (depends on configured filter) key that specify DCFilter class constructor parameters
        # Here follows DCFilter class constructor parameters
        # Concrete keys depands on choosen Filter.
        # See particular filters' documentation.
        retval: 0
        # ...

# Optional key that specify Filter module
# If it is missing or null datconv.outconn.dcfile(Reader:PArg:outpath) is used
# default: null
    Module: datconv.outconn.dcfile
        # relative or absolute path to output file; obligatory
        path: "out/AcctAgentAdjustment_c5019_s38.xml"

# Optional key that specify Logger class configuration
# If it is missing or null following configuration is used:
#   all log messages are being sent to standard error stream
#   messages of severity below WARNING are discarded
# If this key value is a string it means that Logger class is
#   inherited from calling code by invoking logging.getLogger('XXX').getChild('datconv')
#   where XXX is the key value (name of parent logger).
# If this key value is dictionary (i.e. key contains bubkeys)
#   it directly specify loger configuration or redirects to other file (as described below).
# default: null
    # This key allows to redirect logger configuration to other file.
    Conf: Logger.yaml
    # As an alternative, all keys contained in Logger.yaml file may be explicitly placed here (as subkeys of Logger key)
# Optional key that specify log level of default console logger used when Logger: key is not present.
# default: INFO
DefLogLevel: WARNING

See also:

datconv package

This module provides Datconv class which encapsulate all datconv program features and can be created and called from other Python script in one of following ways:

from datconv import Datconv 
dc = Datconv()
conf = {...}


from datconv import Datconv 
dc = Datconv()
conf = {...}
for rec in dc.Iterate(conf):
  print ('Field1: %s' % str(rec['Field1']))
class datconv.Datconv[source]

Bases: object

Instead of calling datconv from command line, one can create instance of this class inside other Python script and call its Run() method.


Method that runs conversion process.

Parameters:conf – is a dict() object with keys as apecified by datconv main YAML configuration file. In this case datconv default configuration file is not used.
Returns:2 in case of invalid configuration; 0 if run sucessfully; may throw exception

Method that runs conversion process in iteration mode - i.e. every output record is being returned to caling loop.

Parameters:conf – is a dict() object with keys as apecified by datconv main YAML configuration file. In this case datconv default configuration file is not used.

Returns Header assiciated with data. Method intendent to be used with iteration interface.


Returns Footer assiciated with data. Method intendent to be used with iteration interface.

Version(ext_module=None, ext_verobj='__version__')[source]

If ext_module is None method returns datconv version. Otherwise it loads ext_module module and returns its ext_verobj object (__version__ by default).