Source code for datconv.readers.dccsv

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Checked with python 2.7
"""This module implements Datconv Reader which reads data from CSV file."""

# Standard Python Libs
import logging
import csv

# Libs installed using pip
from lxml import etree

# Datconv generic modules
from datconv.filters import WRITE, REPEAT, BREAK

Log = None
"""Log varaible is automatically set by main datconv script using logging.getLogger method.
Use it for logging messages in need.

[docs]class DCReader: """This module implements Datconv Reader which reads data from CSV file.""" def __init__(self, columns = 'item', strip = False, csv_opt = None): """Parameters are usually passed from YAML file as subkeys of Reader:CArg key. :param columns: this parameter may be one of 3 possible types:\n if it is positive number, it specifies line number in input file that stores column names. \n if it is a list, it directly specifies column names in input file. \n if it is string it stands for column name prefix, i.e. columns will have names <prefix>1, <prefix>2, ... :param strip: if True, strips white spaces from values :param csv_opt: dictionary with csv writer options. See `documentation <>`_ of csv standard Python library. If None, Reader tries to recognize format using ``csv.Sniffer`` class. For more detailed descriptions see :ref:`conf_template.yaml <readers_conf_template>` file in this module folder. """ assert Log is not None self._wri = self._flt = None if isinstance(columns, int): self._colrow = columns else: self._colrow = 0 self._column = {} if isinstance(columns, list): colnr = 1 for col in columns: self._column[colnr] = col colnr = colnr + 1 if isinstance(columns, str): self._colpref = columns else: self._colpref = 'item' self._strip = strip self._csv = csv_opt def setWriter(self, writer): self._wri = writer def setFilter(self, flt): self._flt = flt
[docs] def Process(self, inpath, outpath = None, rfrom = 1, rto = 0): """Parameters are usually passed from YAML file as subkeys of ``Reader:PArg`` key. :param inpath: Path to input file. :param outpath: Path to output file passed to Writer (fall-back if output connector is not defined). :param rfrom-rto: specifies scope of records to be processed. For more detailed descriptions see :ref:`readers_conf_template`. """ # OBLIGATORY header = [] if self._flt is not None: if hasattr(self._flt, 'setHeader'): self._flt.setHeader(header) # OBLIGATORY self._wri.writeHeader(header) with open(inpath, newline='') as csvfile: if self._csv: _rea = csv.reader(csvfile, **self._csv) else: dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff( _rea = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect) rowno = 0 recno = 0 for line in _rea: rowno = rowno + 1 if rowno < self._colrow: continue colno = 1 if rowno == self._colrow: for item in line: self._column[colno] = _NormalizeTag(item) colno = colno + 1 continue recno = recno + 1 if recno < rfrom: continue if rto > 0 and recno > rto: break rec = etree.Element('rec') for item in line: if colno in self._column: key = self._column[colno] else: key = self._colpref + str(colno) self._column[colno] = key if self._strip: etree.SubElement(rec, key).text = item.strip() else: etree.SubElement(rec, key).text = item colno = colno + 1 if self._flt is not None: filter_break = False while True: res = self._flt.filterRecord(rec) if res & WRITE: self._wri.writeRecord(rec) if res & REPEAT: continue if res & BREAK: filter_break = True break if filter_break:'Filter caused Process to stop on record %d' % recno) break else: self._wri.writeRecord(rec) # OBLIGATORY footer = [] if self._flt is not None: if hasattr(self._flt, 'setFooter'): self._flt.setFooter(footer) self._wri.writeFooter(footer)
def Iterate(self, inpath, outpath = None, rfrom = 1, rto = 0): # OBLIGATORY header = [] if self._flt is not None: if hasattr(self._flt, 'setHeader'): self._flt.setHeader(header) # OBLIGATORY self._wri.writeHeader(header) with open(inpath, newline='') as csvfile: if self._csv: _rea = csv.reader(csvfile, **self._csv) else: dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff( _rea = csv.reader(csvfile, dialect) rowno = 0 recno = 0 for line in _rea: rowno = rowno + 1 if rowno < self._colrow: continue colno = 1 if rowno == self._colrow: for item in line: self._column[colno] = _NormalizeTag(item) colno = colno + 1 continue recno = recno + 1 if recno < rfrom: continue if rto > 0 and recno > rto: break rec = etree.Element('rec') for item in line: if colno in self._column: key = self._column[colno] else: key = self._colpref + str(colno) self._column[colno] = key if self._strip: etree.SubElement(rec, key).text = item.strip() else: etree.SubElement(rec, key).text = item colno = colno + 1 if self._flt is not None: filter_break = False while True: res = self._flt.filterRecord(rec) if res & WRITE: yield self._wri.writeRecord(rec) if res & REPEAT: continue if res & BREAK: filter_break = True break if filter_break:'Filter caused Process to stop on record %d' % recno) break else: yield self._wri.writeRecord(rec) # OBLIGATORY footer = [] if self._flt is not None: if hasattr(self._flt, 'setFooter'): self._flt.setFooter(footer) self._wri.writeFooter(footer)
def _NormalizeTag(tagname): return tagname.strip().translate(str.maketrans('', '', '<> /\\?:;[]{}~`!@#$%^&*()+=|"\''))